domingo, 5 de setembro de 2010

W List

Wacky Races
Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour
Warriors of Might and Magic
Wave Race
Wayne's World
WCW Main Event
WCW Mayhem
We're Back! - A Dinosaur's Story
Wendy - Every Witch Way
Wetrix GB
Wheel of Fortune
Who Framed Roger Rabbit
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire - 2nd Edition
Wild Thornberrys - Rambler
Wings of Fury
Winnie the Pooh - Adventures in the 100 Acre Wood
Winter Gold
Wizardry Gaiden 1 - Suffering of the Queen
Wizardry Gaiden 2 - Curse of the Ancient Emperor
Wizardry Gaiden 3 - Scripture of the Dark
Wizardry I - Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
Wizardry II - Legacy of Llylgamyn
Wizardry III - Knights of Diamonds
Wizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fear
Woody Woodpecker
Woody Woodpecker Racing
World Bowling
World Circuit Series
World Cup '98
World Cup USA '94
World Destruction League - Thunder Tanks
World Heroes 2 Jet
Worms Armageddon
WWF Attitude
WWF King of the Ring
WWF Superstars
WWF Superstars 2
WWF Warzone
WWF WrestleMania 2000

GameBoy Color