R-Type DX
R-Type II
Race Days (Dirty Racing & 4 Wheel Drive)
Race Drivin'
Radar Mission
Raging Fighter
Rampage - World Tour
Rampage 2 - Universal Tour
Razor Freestyle Scooter
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Real Ghostbusters
Ren & Stimpy Show - Space Cadet Adventures
Ren & Stimpy Show - Veediots!
Rescue Heroes - Fire Frenzy
Resident Evil Gaiden
Return of the Ninja
Revelations - The Demon Slayer
Rhino Rumble
Ring Rage
Road Rash
Roadsters '98
Robin Hood - Prince of Thieves
Robocop 2
Robocop vs. The Terminator
Robopon - Sun Version
Robot Wars - Metal Mayhem
Rocket Power - Gettin' Air
Rockman World
Rockman World 2
Rockman World 3
Rockman World 4
Rockman World 5
Rockman X - Cyber Mission
Rockman X2 - Soul Eraser
Rocky Mountain Trophy Hunter
Roger Clemens MVP Baseball
Rolan's Curse
Rolan's Curse II
Ronaldo V.Soccer
Roswell Conspiracies - Aliens, Myths & Legends
Rugrats - Time Travelers
Rugrats - Totally Angelica
Rugrats in Paris - The Movie
Rugrats Movie
GameBoy Color