terça-feira, 21 de setembro de 2010

Air Management II - Kouku Ou wo Mezase

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Air Management II - Kouku Ou wo Mezase (航空王をめざせ do エアーマネジメント II)
File Size: 435 Kb

Description: [Not Available]


Air Management - Oozora ni Kakeru

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Air Management - Oozora ni Kakeru
File Size: 405 Kb

Description: [Not Available]


Air Diver

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Air Diver
File Size: 242 Kb

Description: Your missin is to find and eliminate the enemy terrorists. They are extremely well armed, and central intelligence informs us that they may have the backing of several unfriendly extraterrestrial nations.

You have been selected for a mission of the most utmost secrecy...


Air Buster

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Air Buster
File Size: 312 Kb

Description: [Not Available]


quinta-feira, 16 de setembro de 2010

After Burner II

System: Sega Genesis
Game: After Burner II
File Size: 1 Mb

Description: You scream off the carrier, there's no time to think! You're caught in a swarm of enemy aircraft and more are dead ahead. They're closing at Mach 5, as your machine guns start blasting.

Burn through a sky of flying metal! Radar-lock on the frontal attackers and respond with missiles. Your enemies are specks on the horizon, then instantly they're in your face, launching even faster missiles!
Nothing can prepare you for the incredible speed of the attack. Hit your afterburner! Dive and twist! Throw your plane into a 360 roll as the enemy spins by so close you almost touch wing tips.
Day or night, dog fight or missile duel the terrifying speed of battle never lets up. The sky shrieks with metal menace. The intercept officer is screaming "Look out"!

Aerobiz Supersonic

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Aerobiz Supersonic
File Size: 474 Kb

Description: [Not Available]


quarta-feira, 15 de setembro de 2010


System: Sega Genesis
Game: Aerobiz
File Size: 383 Kb

Description: You're ambitious and you strive for excellence. Your goal is to create a global airline network. You know travelers depend on your airline to get them where they want to go. Now convince them your airline is the best way to fly.



terça-feira, 14 de setembro de 2010

Aero The Acro-Bat 2

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Aero The Acro-Bat 2
ESA Protected: YES

Description: In the sequel to Aero the Acro-Bat you have to defeat evil industrialist Edgar Ektor once again. He is back and again with bad ideas, so you - in the role of Aero - have to find and destroy him before he carries out his diabolical "Plan B". Like in the last installment, you have to jump, escape lethal obstacles and progress in time. This game features more moves for Aero, more mechanisms to use and more items to collect.



Aero The Acro-Bat

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Aero The Acro-Bat
ESA Protected: YES

Description: Aero a master of acrobatics, will amaze and astound as he plunges off platafforms, blasts out of cannons, unicycles across the highwire, races in amusement park rides gone amuck and much more.


Aero Blasters

System: Sega Genesis (セガメガドライブ)
Game: Aero Blasters (エアロブラスターズ)
File Size: 297 Kb

Description: [Not Available]


The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends

System: Sega Genesis
Game: The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle and Friends
File Size: 520 Kb

Description: An all new episode opens in Bullwinkle's life when he finds out he's the Lost Earl of Moosechester!

He and his pal, Rocket J. Squirrel must get from Frosbite Falls, Minnesota to the Abombinable Manor in England in order for him to collect his inheritance. Problem is, those two no-Goodniks, Boris Badenov and Natasha Fatale are after the same fortune.

As Bullwinkle, you'll lock antlers with all sorts of dastardly enemies while avoiding Boris and Natasha's bombastic attacks. Or, as Rocky the Flying Squirrel, you'll soar into action against villains armed with goaf-gas. Are you Moose enough for this challenge? Stay tuned!


segunda-feira, 13 de setembro de 2010

Adventures of Batman & Robin

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Adventures of Batman & Robin
File Size: 1.10 Mb

Description: Gotham City hangs on the edge of a terrible fate on the hands of Mr. Freeze and his Ice Cannon. One of two players can face off against The Joker, The Mad Matter and many more as Batman and Robin battle through this nerve-shattering thriller brought to you from the hit animated TV series.


Advanced Daisenryaku

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Advanced Daisenryaku
File Size: 706 Kb

Description: [Not Available]


Addams Family Values

System: Sega Genesis
Game: Addams Family Values
File Size: 1.09 Mb
Language: English, German, French

Description: [Not Available]


quinta-feira, 9 de setembro de 2010

Neverwinter Nights™ 2: Deluxe

GENRE: Role Playing
DEVELOPER: Obsidian Entertainment
PLAYERS: 1 Player; mulitiplayer via online

Game Information:
Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2) is a computer role-playing game set in the fantasy world of the Forgotten Realms, one of the popular campaign settings of Dungeons and Dragons. It takes the player from the tiniest of villages into a sweeping tale of danger and war, chronicling their rise from a peasant to a full-fledged hero of the Realms, defending it against one of the greatest threats of the age.
Build a character that suits your style of play - good or evil, chaotic or lawful, with any number of skills, feats and professions available at the click of a button. Whether lobbing fireballs and researching forgotten spells as a powerful Wizard, hacking a trail through legions of orcs as a Fighter armed only with a battle axe and your courage, or taking on the role of a Rogue that can slip into the shadows at a moment's notice, the choice is yours. Choose your alignment, your allies, your companions, and how you want your character to develop... design the character you want, role-play the way you want, and carry the battle to the enemy.

The design aspects of Neverwinter Nights 2 don't stop there, however. Past the campaign included with the game itself, Neverwinter Nights 2 also gives you all the tools you need to build your own modules, campaigns, and adventures for your friends - move buildings, terrain, script encounters, write dialogues, create quests and items - everything you need to create an epic adventure of your own is included in the toolset for you and any other worldbuilder to use.

So if you are interested in adventure - or building adventures of your own - look no further. Neverwinter Nights 2 is on the horizon, and adventure awaits.

A propos de Neverwinter Nights 2:
Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2) est un jeu de rôle campé dans le monde imaginaire des Royaumes oubliés, l’un des nombreux univers de campagne de Donjons & Dragons. Issu d’un modeste village, le joueur se trouve entraîné dans une nébuleuse de guerres et d’aventures. Ce simple paysan deviendra un héros à part entière, le gardien des Royaumes confrontés à l’une des plus lourdes menaces qu'ils aient jamais connues.

Créez un personnage adapté à votre style de jeu - bon ou maléfique, chaotique ou loyal – et attribuez-lui compétences, caractéristiques et profession en un clic. Incarnez un puissant magicien, maître des arcanes et érudit éclairé, ou bien un guerrier capable de balayer des légions d’orques du seul tranchant de sa hache de guerre, ou encore un roublard prompt à se fondre dans les ténèbres pour détrousser le plus vigilant des gardes. Choisissez votre alignement, vos alliés, vos compagnons, et la façon dont vous voulez que votre personnage se développe… Définissez l'orientation de votre personnage, jouez comme vous l’entendez et affrontez vos ennemis.

Cependant, les possibilités de jeu qu'offre Neverwinter Nights 2 ne s’arrêtent pas là. Une fois la campagne terminée, NWN 2 met à votre disposition les outils nécessaires pour créer vos propres modules, campagnes et aventures pour vos amis : placez bâtiments et terrains, déterminez les rencontres, écrivez les dialogues, créez quêtes et objets. Vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour créer votre propre aventure épique dans l’éditeur.

Alors si vous vous sentez l’âme d’un aventurier, ou que vous désirez écrire votre propre histoire, ne cherchez plus. Neverwinter Nights 2 approche, l’aventure n'attend plus que vous.

Uber NWN2:
Neverwinter Nights 2 (NWN2) ist ein Rollenspiel für den PC, das in der Fantasy-Welt der Vergessenen Reiche spielt, einer der beliebten Kampagnenwelten von Dungeons & Dragons. Der Spieler beginnt in einer winzigen Stadt und gerät schon bald mitten in eine spannende Geschichte voller Schlachten und anderer Gefahren, die seinen Aufstieg vom einfachen Bauern zum gestandenen Helden der Reiche schildert, der seine Heimat gegen eine der größten Bedrohungen des Zeitalters verteidigt.
Erschaffen Sie einen Charakter, der zu Ihrem persönlichen Spielstil passt. Gut oder böse, chaotisch oder rechtschaffen - mit einem Klick stehen Ihnen zahllose Fertigkeiten, Talente und Berufe zur Verfügung. Werfen Sie als mächtiger Magier mit Feuerbällen um sich und erforschen Sie vergessene Zauber, schlagen Sie sich als Kämpfer nur mit Ihrer Streitaxt und Ihrem Mut bewaffnet einen Weg durch Horden von Orks oder werden Sie zum Schurken, der im Handumdrehen mit den Schatten verschmelzen und selbst dem aufmerksamsten Wachmann unbemerkt den Geldbeutel stehlen kann. Wählen Sie Ihre Gesinnung, Ihre Verbündeten, Ihre Gefährten und die Art, wie sich Ihr Charakter entwickeln soll ... Entwerfen Sie einen Charakter nach Ihrem Geschmack, spielen Sie das Rollenspiel, wie es Ihnen gefällt, und tragen Sie den Kampf vor die Pforten des Feindes.

Doch das Design von Neverwinter Nights 2 bietet noch mehr. Über die im Spiel enthaltene Kampagne hinaus stellt Ihnen Neverwinter Nights 2 auch sämtliche Tools zur Verfügung, die Sie benötigen, um eigene Module, Kampagnen und Abenteuer für Ihre Freunde zu kreieren. Bewegen Sie Gebäude und Gelände, schreiben Sie Begegnungen und Dialoge, erschaffen Sie Quests und Gegenstände - alles, was Sie brauchen, um ein eigenes episches Abenteuer ins Leben zu rufen, ist für Sie und alle anderen Weltenbauer im Toolset enthalten.

Wenn Sie also Interesse an Abenteuern haben oder daran, selbst Abenteuer zu schaffen, brauchen Sie nicht weiter zu suchen. Bald kommt Neverwinter Nights 2 – das Abenteuer wartet schon.

Blade Kitten

GENRE: Adventure
PLAYERS: 1 Player
Platforms: Xbox LIVE Arcade, PlayStation®Network, PC
Publisher: Atari
Developer: Krome Studios
Release Date: September 2010

Game Information:
It’s all fun and games… then someone gets hurt.

Sometime in the future, somewhere that’s not Earth…

Kit Ballard is a bounty hunter and one of the best in the business. Together with her alien sidekick Skiffy and her sword, the Darque Blade, she hunts down rogue mechs and soft targets. Kit becomes the nexus of a tumultuous series of events on the strange planetoid known as HOLLOW WISH.

Blade Kitten the game begins with Kit tracking a local troublemaker named Terra-Li on the mysterious artificial planetoid Hollow Wish. But on her way to doing so Kit uncovers a dark secret about Hollow Wish and its inhabitants, little does she realize that her actions will affect the destiny of an entire planet…

Her tale is one of liberation
Her tail is pink.

  • Pick up-and-play arcade action. Players can jump right in and easily begin exploring and fighting their way through large levels offering multiple paths loaded with secret areas and hidden collectables.
  • 19 levels including 3 exploration levels with Noot (a rideable alien mount). A two part mini-series available exclusively via digital distribution.
  • Straight forward platform side-scroller. Harkens back to the simpler side scrolling games of yesteryear but with the depth that modern players demand.
  • Intuitive “scramble style” exploration. Kit’s innate feline abilities enable her to easily traverse environments. Her free-running meets rock-climbing style movement is designed to encourage players to explore the dangerous world of Hollow Wish.
  • Dramatic Narrative and Powerful Visual Direction. Blade Kitten goes well beyond most downloadable titles to deliver a strong narrative, in-engine cut-scenes, and a colorful, frenetic visual style that will be embraced by anime fans and casual gamers.
  • Fully voiced dialogue. Featuring a cast of 9 professional voice actors playing a total of 23 characters, each scripted sequence is fully voiced by Los Angeles based voice talent.
  • AI sidekick assistance. In certain locations, players can direct Kit’s sidekick “Skiffy” to assist them in combat, puzzle-solving, and in the collection of items.
  • From million-selling game creator Steve Stamatiadis. The Blade Kitten universe is the creation of Krome Co-Founder and Creative Director Steve Stamatiadis, his first new Intellectual Property since creating the multi-million selling “TY the Tasmanian Tiger™" series.

quarta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2010

Castlevania - Lords of Shadow

System: Available for XBoX 360 and Playstation 3
Game: Castlevania - Lords of Shadow
Genre: Action | Adventure
Players: 1
Age Rating: TBA
Release Date: November 2010

Game Information:
Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will be released in 2010 for PLAYSTATION®3 and Xbox 360 and will open a new era for the Castlevania mythology. Konami has worked to take the long-running series in brave new directions with a fresh and radical re-imagining, and the result is an epic tale of love and loss that befits the series.

Shown previously as Lords of Shadow in summer 2008 with a short teaser, Konami has kept under wraps its intention to radically take the Castlevania myth in a bold new direction until now. Konami has used E3 to showcase what it considers one of its most ambitious and innovative titles to date and reveal how it will present Castlevania to a wider audience of players hungry for genre-defining entertainment.

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow takes place at the end of days. The Earth's alliance with the Heavens has been threatened by a dark and malevolent force - the mysterious Lords of Shadow - darkness reigns the world. Across this shattered land, the souls of the dead wander unable to find peace, whilst creatures of evil roam free wreaking chaos and death upon the living.

Gabriel is a member of the Brotherhood of Light, an elite group of holy knights who protect and defend the innocent against the supernatural. His beloved wife was brutally murdered by the evil forces of darkness and her soul trapped for eternity. Neither living nor dead she realises the horrific truth of what is at stake and guides Gabriel to his destiny - and hopefully salvation for the world... but at what cost?

Thus, Gabriel must travel the destroyed world, defeating the evil tyrants in order to use their powers to bring balance back to the world. Armed with the versatile Combat Cross - the world's last hope must encounter the three factions of the Lords of Shadow and end their unholy rule.

Mercury Steam has created a rich, open game world that traverses snowy mountain ranges, Gothic castles, and undead-strewn wastelands in a devastated Southern Europe during the Middle Ages. The production is being overseen by the European Product Planning office with advice and support from Kojima Productions. This multi-cultural dream collaboration will move the Castlevania brand to a whole new level, with rich storytelling, innovative gameplay and state-of-the-art technical elements brought together to form a revolutionary new direction for a modern 3D fantasy action epic.
Konami is premiering Castlevania: Lords of Shadow with a stunning trailer detailing the expansive nature of the game and its unique combat elements. It will also introduce the game's stunning voice acting cast, with Gabriel voiced by Robert Carlyle (28 Weeks Later, Trainspotting, The Full Monty), and Patrick Stewart (X-Men, Star Trek: Next Generation) as the mysterious Zobek. Natasha McElhone (The Other Boleyn Girl, Californication, The Truman Show) and Jason Isaacs (Black Hawk Down, The Patriot, Harry Potter series) round off the talent.
"Castlevania: Lords of Shadow will take the Castlevania series into brave, uncharted territories, and is a breath-taking adventure that boasts stunning aesthetics, deep and challenging game play, and a truly inspirational voice cast to deliver the games dramatic depth", commented Dave Cox, Producer on the title and Head of Product Planning for Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. "We are also delighted to be working with Kojima Productions who have supported the development of the game and our intended goals with their keen vision and expertise," he added. "This is a world's first! A dream team up between a western development studio and one of Japan's most revered and innovative creators".
"We at Mercury Steam are pushing the envelope of today's technology. Our goal is to create an incredible piece that will answer many people's hopes and desires of what a next generation Castlevania game should be." Said Enric Alvarez, Studio Head at Mercury Steam.

"Kojima Productions had learned the differences of western development teams and Japanese studios" added Ken Imaizumi, Senior Producer of Kojima Productions. "Mercury Steam is definitely one of the most talented studios in the world. We quickly agreed that we should work together and exchange ideas and knowhow across the board. We have full trust that the next generation Castlevania experience will deliver a high quality intense experience worthy of the Kojima Productions name and we are proud that this title will mark a new global direction for Konami as a company dedicated to breaking new ground in digital entertainment."

[News] 03.09.2010 KONAMI dates PES 2011 demo

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH today announced it will release a free demo of its forthcoming PES 2011 on September 15th, with subscribers to SCEE's PS+ service able to play the demo from September 8th.

The demo will be available for PlayStation 3 via PlayStation Network with a PC version available from http://www.konami-pes2011.com/. The download will enable fans to play against the computer or offline multi-player matches with a choice of four clubs: either FC Barcelona and FC Bayern Munich or Copa Libertadores pair Chivas Guadalajara and Internacional. A video presentation is also included outlining the full game's content in readiness of the game's UK launch on October 8th 2010.

A release date for the Xbox 360 demo via Xbox Live Arcade will be announced shortly.


System: Available for Playstation 3, PC and XBoX
Game: Saw
Genre: Action | Adventure
Players: 1
Age Rating: Minimum age 18

Game Information:
Jigsaw has killed your partner and destroyed your life. Now he has trapped you in an abandoned insane asylum that he alone controls. If you can defeat his brutal traps and survive, you may just discover the truth behind what drives this twisted serial killer.

SAW is a third-person perspective, survival horror game based on the SAW film franchise, which has grossed more than $665M worldwide and sold more than 28 million DVDs. The game features many of the deadly mechanical traps seen in the film, as well as terrifying new ones. Players will pit their wits against Jigsaw as they navigate his world in an attempt to evade and escape his gruesome traps, while also struggling against his minions in brutal combat by using weapons found within the environment.

SAW, the video game, is based on a treatment from Zombie Studios and the creators of the SAW franchise, Leigh Whannell and James Wan.

The timeline for the game takes place between the movies: SAW and SAW II, giving the game its own story, yet fitting within the narratives of the movies.

The story centers on Detective David Tapp who awakens in a decrepit, abandoned asylum. He has been captured by his longtime nemesis, Jigsaw. Obsessed with catching this serial killer, Tapp's mission has consumed him and ruined his family, resulting in divorce, mental imbalance, and abandonment. Worse yet, this frantic hunt destroyed Tapp's career while he watched his long-time friend and partner get killed by one of Jigsaw's traps. Now Jigsaw has the upper hand and has captured the detective. Tapp must play a deadly game - the likes of which he has been investigating for years - to escape, and in order to do so he must survive the lethal traps and puzzles that Jigsaw has put in place for him and others. But each victim has a dark connection to Tapp. Will Tapp save them? Can he survive his obsession to find the Jigsaw killer?

  • Traps of Lethal Cunning - Jigsaw has laid out a gauntlet of torturous traps for a handful of innocents. Only you stand between them and the most brutal death imaginable. Think quickly and act! The clock is ticking.
  • Choices of conscience - The player is forced to make difficult moral choices. Who lives and who dies in the game is determined by the player?s choices.
  • Mysteries Revealed - Unanswered questions from the films are finally laid to rest. Gamers will discover the origin of Jigsaw and why he devoted his life to games, while also finding out what happened to the characters from the first SAW movie.
  • An Ecology of Terror - The asylum in which Jigsaw has trapped you is abandoned, but it is far from empty. It is a living world of horror populated by Jigsaw?s minions and the insane souls they torture? and they have no intention of letting you leave.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

System: Playstation 3
Game: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Genre: Action | Adventure
Players: 1 (up 16 online)
Age Rating: minimum age 15

Game Information:
The wait is finally over. After months of teaser movies, screenshots and small nuggets of information, Hideo Kojima?s epic finale to the Metal Gear Solid series is here and it?s every bit as awe-inspiring, staggering and amazing as you could have expected. This is Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.
Set in a battle-scarred future where war has become business carried out by mercenaries and machines, this visually stunning title sets new boundaries for gameplay and cinematic experiences in video gaming. The refined control system allows for some of the coolest gameplay ever seen as players guide Snake through to the end of his worn torn journey and tie up loose plot ends.

Snake has been drafted in for one final mission, to assassinate his old adversary Liquid Ocelot that will take him through stages across the World, including the Middle East and South America (other locations are to remain secret until the game?s launch), and cause him to bump into a few old friends as well as new characters. Hal ?Otacon? Emmerich is back again to provide Snake with local information, intelligence and useful hardware, including the Metal Gear Mk.II, a small remote-controlled robot with cloaking and offensive

Other additions to Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots include rumble support for the new DualShock 3 controller, full 5.1 Dolby Digital surround sound support and more interactivity during the cutscenes such as allowing users to change angles and summon flashbacks.

The final part of this must have title comes in the form of Metal Gear Online, included with MGS4. Initially compromising of five unique online stages created using Guns of the Patriots technology, Metal Gear Online allows up to 16 people to play simultaneously in five different modes ranging from standard Deathmatch to Team Deathmatch, Capture and Sneaking missions. Further Expansion Packs will be released throughout the year ensuring the content is fresh and rewarding for the players.

Scene It? Twilight

System: Available for PC, Nintendo DS and Wii
Game: Scene It? Twilight
Genre: Party-Games

Game Information (by Konami):
Hugely popular Summit Entertainment Film heads to Wii, Nintendo DS and PC in Europe to thrill all trivia fans

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced it will release Scene It? Twilight, the latest member of the Scene It? family of entertainment trivia games, for Wii, Nintendo DS and PC-DVD in Q1 2010. It will arrive shortly after the next installment in Summit Entertainment's TWILIGHT movie series, THE TWILIGHT SAGA: NEW MOON.

Fans will put their knowledge to the test to determine who will be the ultimate TWILIGHT expert. Scene It? Twilight will challenge Wii players' powers of observation, memory and puzzle solving, as it transports them to Forks, Washington and creates an interactive multiplayer trivia experience brought together seamlessly for Wii. Fans can learn more about Bella Swan, TWILIGHT's heroine, or test their memories on Edward Cullen, the dark and unlikely love of Bella?s life.

"Konami is always looking to engage people in new means of interactive gaming experiences. The TWILIGHT film has an incredibly popular following who crave content and new media well after the movies are no longer in theaters," said Kunio Neo, President of Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH. "With extensive content from the film, Scene It? Twilight will bring life to the excitement and energy surrounding the popular film in an all-new way."

Scene It? Twilight players will be completely submerged into the TWILIGHT universe as they interact with some of the most iconic locations, characters and scenes from the first film ? and putting their knowledge to the test to determine who is the ultimate TWILIGHT expert!

  • Rich-media trivia content: Over 500 multiple choice questions based on movie clips, music and audio from the TWILIGHT movie
  • New user interface designed specifically for the Wii game, giving Scene It? Twilight a new look and feel, making the game much more immediate to play
  • Motion functionality: Use your Wii Remote to buzz in and beat your opponent!
  • New gameplay modes: Single and multi-player modes and new scoring systems keep the game close, exciting and challenging enough to please all TWILIGHT fans

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers

System: Wii
Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers

Game Information (by Konami):

Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced its first Yu-Gi-Oh! title for Wii. Entitled Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers, the game will be released in September.

The Wii game uses characters and situations from the new Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's series, which takes place in the future and revolved around the adventures of Yusei Fudo, the hottest duelist in Neo Domino City.

Based on the 'Turbo Duels' in the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's animated series, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers introduces players to a fast-paced twist on the racing genre. Yusei and Jack duel in a new motorsport called 'Wheelie Breakers' that combines card dueling with duel wheel racing. As they race around the track in their Duel Runner motorcycles, players call upon monsters from their decks to battle their opponents and prevent them from finishing the race. These cards can then be rearranged between races as strategies to unseat the rival players are developed. Using achievement points which players receive based on their race results, they can purchase new cards and add them to their decks providing upgrades.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers takes full advantage of the Wii's control system as players use the Wii Remote for both competitive card dueling and Duel Runner racing. Users can also use the Nunchuk during races, allowing for split-second manoeuvers including, acceleration, steering and recovery. A wide selection of gameplay modes are also offered including Story Mode, Grand Prix Mode, and Competition Multiplayer Mode with up to four players competing via a split screen system.

As has become traditional with Konami's Yu-Gi-Oh! titles, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Wheelie Breakers will be released with three official Trading Cards inside the box.

Nintendo Wii

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009

System: Nintendo DS
Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009

Game Information (by Konami):
Konami Digital Entertainment GmbH has announced its first Yu-Gi-Oh! title for 2009, in the form of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 for Nintendo DS scheduled for release in 2nd Quarter 2009.

The first game based on the new Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's TV show, the DS game allows up to four players to compete within two distinctly different ways. The 'Story Mode' lets single players explore the world of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's world and meet its all-new dueling stars in a series of thrilling card games. Secondly, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 will act as the basis for 2009's Yu-Gi-Oh! World Championship, and boasts an enhanced dueling system, larger card images and more cards than ever before ' with 2500 in total.

Both game modes feature new characters and settings from the Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's show, with Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 acting as the definitive simulation of the Trading Card Game for Nintendo DS. The game world is brought to vivid life with all new 3D character images, while the 2500 cards span Booster and Structure Decks from the Trading Card Game, allowing users to assemble powerful decks from the cards available.

As has become traditional, Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Stardust Accelerator - World Championship 2009 will also be released with three official Trading Cards inside the box.

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4

System: PSP
Game: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4

Game Information:
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 marks the first appearance of the new animated TV series on PSP, and uses plot elements from the show's 'Dark Signers' episodes within its Story Mode. The new game's graphics have been designed to perfectly recreate characters and settings from the TV show, with stunning anime likenesses bringing the game's 14 duelists, and a huge supporting cast, to vivid life. Likewise, the same visuals are used to detail the many traps, spells and monsters that are used during battles, with in-game cameras panning to show off the various conflicts from a series of stunning vantage points.

The game's Story Mode provides a focal point for single-player use, and recreates the Neo Domino City and Satellite locations of the TV show. Players can move freely around these areas, and a different scenario will unfold dependent on which character the user opts for, and the story will evolve organically based on decisions the player makes. Players also use the exploratory elements of the game to meet new people, challenge them to duels and to add and buy new Trading Cards for their deck.
The dueling elements of the game have also been expanded, with each of the game's many characters holding their own decks. The strength of these decks acts as an in-built difficulty level, with players working their way through the increasingly challenging rivals as they look to build their deck and establish themselves as the Champion Trading Card Duelist. In total, over 300 hours of gameplay await - enough for even the most ardent Yu-Gi-Oh! fans!

The social aspect of the Trading Card Game has also been retained, with the option for multi-player games for up to four Yu-Gi-Oh! fans. One-on-one duels, or two-against-two and variations thereof are all supported, and the online capabilities of the PSP are also used for additional download elements. Users can enter the passwords found on real Trading Cards and use them in the game in order to improve their card decks and their strategies

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Tag Force 4 represents a new high for the Yu-Gi-Oh! series, and Konami will also include three exclusive Trading Cards within each game's packaging.

(Game Information Credits by Konami-Europe site)

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terça-feira, 7 de setembro de 2010

All Sega Model 2 Games

Dead or Alive (Model 2A)
Dead or Alive (Model 2B)
Dynamite Baseball '97
Dynamite Cop (Model 2A)
Dynamite Cop (Model 2B)
Fighting Vipers
Gunblade NY
House of the Dead
Indianapolis 500
Last Bronx (Export, Rev A)
Last Bronx (Rev A)
Over Rev
Pilot Kids (Model 2A)
Pilot Kids (Model 2B)
Sega Ski Super G
Sega Touring Car Championship
Sonic The Fighters
Super GT 24h
Top Skater
Virtua Striker
Virtua Striker (Rev A)
Virtual On Cyber Troopers (Japan)
Virtual On Cyber Troopers (US)
Zero Gunner (Japan Model 2B)
Zero Gunner (Model 2B)

Sega Model 2

All Sega Master System Games

007 James Bond - The Duel

Ace of Aces
Action Fighter
Addams Family
Aerial Assault
Air Rescue
Alex Kidd - BMX Trial
Alex Kidd - High Tech World
Alex Kidd - The Lost Stars
Alex Kidd in Miracle World
Alex Kidd in Shinobi World
Alien 3
Alien Storm
Alien Syndrome
Altered Beast
American Baseball
American Pro Football
Andre Agassi Tennis
Arcade Smash Hits
Assault City - Light Phaser Version
Assault City - Pad Version
Asterix and the Great Rescue
Asterix and the Secret Mission
Astro-Warrior & Pit Pot
Aztec Adventure - The Golden Road to Paradise
Back to the Future 2
Back to the Future 3
Baku Baku Animal
Bank Panic
Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Bart vs. the World
Basket Ball Nightmare
Batman Returns
Battle Out-Run
Black Belt
Blade Eagle 3D
Bomber Raid
Bonanza Bros
Bonkers Wax Up!
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Bubble Bobble
Buggy Run
California Games
California Games 2
Captain Silver
Casino Games
Champions of Europe
Championship Hockey
Chase H.Q
Cheese Cat-astrophe
Chuck Rock
Chuck Rock 2
Cloud Master
Cool Spot
Cosmic Spacehead
Cyber Shinobi
Cyborg Hunter
Daffy Duck in Hollywood
Danan the Jungle Fighter
Dead Angle
Deep Duck Trouble starring Donald Duck
Desert Speedtrap starring Roadrunner
Desert Strike
Dick Tracy
Dinobasher starring Bignose the Caveman Prototype)
Double Dragon
Double Hawk
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Dragon Crystal
Dynamite Duke
Dynamite Dux
E-SWAT - City under Siege
Ecco the Dolphin - Tides of Time
Enduro Racer
Excellent Dizzy Collection
F-16 Fighting Falcon
F1 Championship
Fantastic Dizzy
Fantasy Zone
Fantasy Zone - The Maze
Fantasy Zone 2 - The Tears of Opa-Opa
Final Bubble Bobble
Fire and Forget 2
Forgotten Worlds
G-Loc Air Battle
Gain Ground
Galactic Protector
Galaxy Force
Gangster Town
George Foreman's KO Boxing
Ghost House
Ghouls 'n Ghosts
Global Defense
Global Gladiators
Golden Axe
Golden Axe Warrior
Golf Mania
Golvellius - Valley of Doom
GP Rider
Great Baseball
Great Basketball
Great Football
Great Golf
Great Ice Hockey
Great Soccer
Great Volleyball
Hang on
Hang On & Astro Warrior
Hang-On & Safari Hunt
Heavyweight Champ
Heroes of the Lance
Home Alone
Hook (Beta)
Impossible Mission
Incredible Crash Dummies
Incredible Hulk
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
James Buster Douglas - Knockout Boxing
James Pond 2 - Codename Robocod
Joe Montana Footbal
Jungle Book
Jurassic Park
King's Quest
Krusty's Fun House
Kung Fu Kid
Laser Ghost
Line of Fire
Lion King
Lord of the Sword
Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck
Lutz (Phantasy Star Hack)
Marble Madness
Marksman Shooting & Trap Shooting
Master of Darkness
Masters of Combat
Maze Hunter 3D
Michael Jackson's Moonwalker
Mick and Mack as the Global Gladiators
Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion
Mickey Mouse - Land of Illusion
Mickey Mouse - Legend of Illusion
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge
Miracle Warriors - Seal of the Dark Lord
Missile Defense 3D
Montezuma's Revenge
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Mortal Kombat 3
Ms. Pac-Man
My Hero
New Zealand Story
Ninja Gaiden
Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92
Operation Wolf
Out-Run - Europa
OutRun 3D
Parlour Games
Pat Riley Basketball (Beta)
Penguin Land
PGA Tour Golf
Phantasy Star
Pit Fighter
Pokemon Master V2.0 (Psycho Fox Hack)
Poseidon Wars 3D
Power Strike
Power Strike 2
Predator 2
Prince of Persia
Pro Wrestling
Psychic World
Psycho Fox
Putt and Putter
R.C. Grand Prix
Rainbow Islands - Story of Bub and Bob 2
Rambo - First Blood Part 2
Rambo 3
Reggie Jackson Baseball
Ren and Stimpy - Quest for the Shaven Yak
Rescue Mission
Road Rash
Robocop 3
Robocop vs. The Terminator
Running Battle
Scramble Spirits
Secret Commando
Sega Chess
Sega World Tournament Golf
Sensible Soccer
Shadow Dancer
Shadow of the Beast
Shooting Gallery
Slap Shot
Smash TV
Smurfs 2 - Smurfs travel the World
Sonic Blast
Sonic Chaos
Sonic Spinball
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Space Harrier
Space Harrier 3D
Special Criminal Investigation
Speedball 2
Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six
Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin
Sports Pad Football
Spy vs. Spy
Star Wars
Street Fighter 2
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Strider 2
Submarine Attack
Summer Games
Super Kick Off
Super Monaco GP
Super Monaco GP 2
Super Off-Road
Super Racing
Super Space Invaders
Super Tennis
Super Tetris
Taz-Mania - The Search for the Lost Seabirds
Tecmo World Cup '92
Teddy Boy
Tennis Ace
Terminator 2 - Judgement Day
Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game
Thunder Blade
Time Soldiers
Tom and Jerry
Tom and Jerry - The Movie
Trap Shooting - Marksman Shooting - Safari Hunt
Tri Formation
Trivial Pursuit
Ultima 4 - Quest of the Avatar
Ultimate Soccer
Walter Payton Football
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
Wimbledon - The Championships
Wimbledon 2
Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94
Wolf Child
Wonder-Boy 2 - Wonderboy in Monsterland
Wonder-Boy 3 - The Dragon's Trap
Wonder-Boy 5 - Wonder Boy in Monster World
World Class Leaderboard
World Cup Italia '90
World Cup USA '94
World Games
World Grand Prix
World Soccer
WWF - Wrestlemania Steel Cage Challenge
X-Men - Mojo World
Xenon 2
Ys - Ancient Ys Vanished Omen
Zaxxon 3D
Zillion 2 - The Tri Formation

Sega Master System

All Sega Game Gear Games

007 James Bond - The Duel
5 in 1 Funpak
A A Harimanada
Addams Family
Adventures of Batman and Robin
Aerial Assault
Alien 3
Alien Syndrome
Andre Agassi Tennis
Arcade Classics
Arch Rivals
Arena - Maze of Death
Ariel - The Little Mermaid
Asterix and the Great Rescue
Ax Battler - A Legend of Golden Axe
Ayrton Senna's Super Monaco GP 2
Baku Baku Animals
Baseball '91
Batman Forever
Batter Up
Beavis and Butthead
Berenstain Bears - Camping Adventure
Berlin no Kabe
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S
Bonkers Wax Up!
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Bubble Bobble
Bugs Bunny in Double Trouble
Buster Ball
Buster Fight
Caesar's Palace
Captain America and the Avengers
Chase H.Q.
Chicago Syndicate
Choplifter 3
Chuck Rock
Chuck Rock 2
Clutch Hitter
Coca Cola Kid
Cool Spot
Crayon Shin-chan
Crystal Warriors
Daffy Duck in Hollywood
Daisenryaku G
Deep Duck Trouble
Defenders of Oasis
Desert Speedtrap
Desert Strike - Return to the Gulf
Double Dragon
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Dragon - The Bruce Lee Story
Dragon Crystal
Drop Zone
Dunk Kid's
Dynamite Headdy
Earthworm Jim
Ecco the Dolphin
Ecco the Dolphin 2 - The Tides of Time
Ernie Els Golf
Eternal Legend
Evander Holyfield's Boxing
Excellent Dizzy
Excellent Dizzy Collection
F-15 Strike Eagle
Faceball 2000
Factory Panic
Fantastic Dizzy
Fantasy Zone Gear
Fatal Fury Special
FIFA International Soccer
FIFA Soccer '96
Foreman for Real
Formula 1
Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
Fred Couples Golf
From TV Animation - Slam Dunk - Shouri heno Starting 5
G-Loc Air Battle
Galaga '91
Gamble Panic
Gambler Jikochuusinha
GameGear Doraemon - Nora no Suke no Yabou
GameGear League '94
GameGear Portrait - Akira
GameGear Portrait - Pai Chan
GameGear Shinobi
Gear Stadium
Gear Stadium Heiseiban
Gear Works
George Foreman's KO Boxing
GP Rider
Gunstar Heroes
Halley Wars
Head Buster
Home Alone
Honoo no Doukyuuji - Dodge Danpei
House of Tarot
In the Wake of the Vampire
Incredible Crash Dummies
Incredible Hulk
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Iron Man X - Man o' War in Heavy Metal
Itchy and Scratchy Game
J.League Soccer - Dream Eleven
Jeopardy! - Sports Edition
Joe Montana's Football
Judge Dredd
Jungle Book
Jurassic Park
Kawasaki Superbike Challenge
Kenyuu Densetsu Yaiba
Kinetic Connection
Kishin Douji Zenki
Krusty's Funhouse
Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku
Kuni-chan no Game Tengoku Part 2
Kyoto Saint Tale
Last Action Hero
Lion King
Lucky Dime Caper starring Donald Duck
Lunar - Sanposuru Gakuen
Madden NFL '95
Madden NFL '96
Madou Monogatari
Madou Monogatari 2
Madou Monogatari 3
Madou Monogatari A - Doki Doki
Magic Knight Rayearth
Magic Knight Rayearth 2 - Making of Magic Knight
Magical Puzzle Popils
Magical Taruruuto-kun
Majesco Game Gear BIOS
Majors Pro Baseball
Marble Madness
Marko's Magic Football
Mega Man
Megami Tensei Gaiden - Last Bible
Mick and Mack as the Global Gladiators
Mickey Mouse - Castle of Illusion
Mickey Mouse - Land of Illusion
Mickey Mouse - Legend of Illusion
Mickey's Ultimate Challenge
Micro Machines
Micro Machines 2 - Turbo Tournament
MLBPA Baseball
Monster Truck Wars
Monster World 2
Mortal Kombat
Mortal Kombat 2
Mortal Kombat 3
Ms. Pac-Man
Nazo Puyo
Nazo Puyo 2
NBA Action
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
NFL '95
NFL Quarterback Club
NFL Quarterback Club '96
NHL All Star Hockey
NHL Hockey
Ninja Gaiden
Olympic Gold - Barcelona '92
Out-Run Europa
Panzer Dragoon Mini
Paperboy 2
Pete Sampras Tennis
PGA Tour '96
PGA Tour Golf
PGA Tour Golf 2
Phantasy Star Adventure
Phantasy Star Gaiden
Phantom 2040
Pokemon Legends
Poker Faced Paul's Blackjack
Poker Faced Paul's Gin
Poker Faced Paul's Poker
Poker Faced Paul's Solitaire
Pop Breaker
Popeye's Beach Volleyball
Power Rangers
Power Rangers - The Movie
Power Strike 2
Predator 2
Primal Rage
Prince of Persia
Psychic World
Putt and Putter
Puyo Puyo 2
Puzlow Kids
Quiz of Gears
R.B.I. Baseball '994
R.C. Grand Prix
Ren and Stimpy - Quest for the Shaven Yak
Revenge of Drancon
Riddick Bowe Boxing
Rise of the Robots
Ristar the Shooting Star
Road Rash
Robocop 3
Robocop vs. The Terminator
Ronald in the Magical World
Royal Stone
Ryu Kyu
S.S. Lucifer - Man Overboard!
Samurai Shodown
Samurai Spirits
Scratch Golf
SD Gundam - Winner's History
Sega Game Pack - 4 in 1
Shadam Crusader
Shanghai 2
Shaq Fu
Shining Force Gaiden - Final Conflict
Shining Force II - The Sword of Hajya
Shinobi II - The Silent Fury
Simpsons - Bart vs. the Space Mutants
Simpsons - Bart vs. the World
Simpsons - Bartman Meets Radioactive Man
Smash T.V.
Solitaire Funpak
Solitaire Poker
Sonic & Tails
Sonic & Tails 2
Sonic Blast
Sonic Chaos
Sonic Drift
Sonic Drift 2
Sonic Labyrinth
Sonic Spinball
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog - Triple Trouble
Sonic the Hedgehog 2
Space Harrier
Spider-Man - Return of the Sinister Six
Spider-Man and X-Men - Arcade's Revenge
Spider-Man vs. the Kingpin
Sports Illustrated - Championship Football & Baseball
Sports Trivia
Sports Trivia - Championship Edition
Star Trek Generations - Beyond the Nexus
Star Trek TNG - Advanced Holodeck Tutorial
Star Wars
Streets of Rage
Streets of Rage 2
Strider Returns
Super Columns
Super Golf
Super Kick Off
Super Monaco GP
Super Off-Road
Super Return of the Jedi
Super Space Invaders
Surf Ninjas
Sylvan Tale
Tails Sky Patrol
Tails' Adventures
Tama and Friends Sanchoume Kouen - Tamalympics
Taz in Escape from Mars
Taz-Mania - The Search for the Lost Seabirds
Terminator 2 - Judgment Day
Terminator 2 - The Arcade Game
Tintin au Tibet
Tom and Jerry - The Movie
True Lies
Ultimate Soccer
Urban Strike
Vampire - Master of Darkness
Virtua Fighter Mini
Virtua Fighters
VR Troopers
Wagyan Land
Wheel of Fortune
Winter Olympics - Lillehammer '94
Wizard Pinball
Wonder Boy
Wonder Boy 3 - The Dragon's Trap
Woody Pop
World Class Leader Golf
World Cup '94
World Cup Soccer
World Derby
World Series Baseball
World Series Baseball '95
WWF - Steel Cage Challenge
X-Men - GameMaster's Legacy
X-Men - Mojo's World
Yogi Bear in Yogi Bear's Goldrush
Yokaru Yotantori
Yuu Yuu Hakusho
Yuu Yuu Hakusho 2
Zan Gear

Sega Game Gear

All Sega CD Games

3 Ninjas Kick Back
3x3 Eyes - Legend of the Divine Demon
4 in 1 Sega Arcade Classics
5 in 1 Sega Arcade Classics
Adventures of Batman & Robin
Adventures of Willy Beamish
Afterburner III
Aisle Lord
Amazing Spider-Man vs. Kingpin
Android Assault
B.C. Racers
Batman Returns
Battle Fantasy
Battle Frenzy
Bill Walsh College Football
Black Hole Assault
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Brutal Paws of Fury
Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
Captain Tsubasa
Championship Soccer '94
Chuck Rock
Chuck Rock II - Son of Chuck
Cobra Command
Cosmic Fantasy
Dark Wizard
Death Bringer
Demolition Man
Double Switch
Dragon's Lair
Dungeon Explorer
Dungeon Master II - Skull Keeper
Earnest Evans
Earthworm Jim Special Edition
Ecco - The Tides of Time
ESPN Baseball Tonight
ESPN National Hockey Night
ESPN NBA Hangtime '95
ESPN Sunday Night NFL
Eternal Champions
Eye of the Beholder
F1 Circus
Fatal Fury Special
Final Fight CD
Formula 1 World Championship
Ground Zero Texas Disk 1
Ground Zero Texas Disk 2
Heart of the Alien
Heavy Nova
Heroic Legend of Arslan
Illusion City
Iron Helix
Jaguar XJ220
Joe Montana's NFL Football
Jurassic Park
Keio Flying Squadron
Lawnmower Man
Lethal Enforcers
Lethal Enforcers 2
Links - The Challenge of Golf
Lords of Thunder
Lunar 2
Lunar the Silver Star
Mad Dog McCree
Mad Dog McCree 2
Mansion of Hidden Souls
Masked Rider
Mega Race
Mickey Mania
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mortal Kombat
NHL Hockey '94
Night Striker
Night Trap Disk 1
Night Trap Disk 2
Ninja Warriors
Out of this World 2 - Heart of the Alien
Popful Mail
Power Monger
Prince of Persia
Prize Fighter Disk 1
Prize Fighter Disk 2
Racing Aces
Radical Rex
Revenge of the Ninja
Revengers of Vengeance
Rise of the Dragon
Road Avenger
Robo Aleste
Romance of the Three Kingdoms III
Samurai Shodown
Secret of Monkey Island
Sensible Soccer
Sewer Shark
Shadow of The Beast II
Shining Force CD
Sim Earth - The Living Planet
Sonic CD
Soul Star
Space Ace
Space Adventure Cobra
Star Blade
Star Wars - Rebel Assault
Star Wars Chess
Stellar Fire
Supreme Warrior Disk 1
Supreme Warrior Disk 2
Surgical Strike
Theme Park
Third World War
Time Gal
Tomcat Alley
Ultraverse Prime
Wheel of Fortune
Who Shot Johnny Rock
Wild Woody
Wing Commander
Winning Post
Wonder Dog
World Cup USA '94
WWF - Rage in the Cage

Sega CD

Sega CD

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A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
View List

NOTE: You will need a compatible emulator to play these ROM files. Visit our emulators section here.
(Vais precisar de um emulador apropriado. Visita a secção de emuladores AQUI)

Sega Saturn

Browse by letter:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z
View List

NOTE: You will need a compatible emulator to play these ROM files. Visit our emulators section here.
(Vais precisar de um emulador apropriado. Visita a secção de emuladores AQUI)

Sega Dreamcast

Browse by letter:

A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U    V   W   X   Y   Z
View List

NOTE: You will need a compatible emulator to play these ROM files. Visit our emulators section here.
(Vais precisar de um emulador apropriado. Visita a secção de emuladores AQUI)

All Sega Dreamcast Games

102 Dalmatians - Puppies to the Rescue
18 Wheeler American Pro Trucker
4 Wheel Thunder
4v4 Evolution
AeroWings 2 - Air Strike
AirForce Delta
Alien Front Online
Alone in the Dark Disk 1
Alone in the Dark Disk 2
Alone in the Dark Disk 3
Alone in the Dark Disk 4
Army Men - Sarge's Heroes
Atari Anniversary Edition
Bang! Gunship Elite
Blue Stinger
Bomberman Online
Bust-A-Move 4
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command
Caesars Palace 2000
Cannon Spike
Capcom vs. SNK - Millennium Fight 2000
CART Flag to Flag
Championship Surfer
Charge 'N Blast
Chicken Run
ChuChu Rocket!
Coaster Works
Confidential Mission
D2 Disc 1
D2 Disc 2
D2 Disc 3A
D2 Disc 3B
D2 Disc 4
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX
Daytona USA
Dead or Alive 2
Death Crimson OX
Deep Fighter Disc 1
Deep Fighter Disc 2
Demolition Racer - No Exit
Dino Crisis
Disney's Dinosaur
Donald Duck - Goin' Quackers
Draconus - Cult of the Wyrm Disc 1
Draconus - Cult of the Wyrm Disc 2
Dragon Riders - Chronicles of Pern
Ducati World Racing Challenge
Dynamite Cop
Ecco the Dolphin - Defender of the Future
ECW Anarchy Rulez
ECW Hardcore Revolution
Elemental Gimmick Gear
ESPN International Track & Field
Evil Dead - Hail to the King
Evolution 2
F1 World Grand Prix
F335 Challenge - Passione Rossa
Fatal Fury - Mark of the Wolves
Fighting Force 2
Floigan Bros.
Frogger 2 - Swampy's Revenge
Fur Fighters
Gauntlet Legends
Giga Wing
Giga Wing 2
Grand Theft Auto 2
Grandia II Disc 1
Grandia II Disc 2
Gunbird 2
Gundam Side Story - 0079
Heavy Metal - Geomatrix
Hidden & Dangerous
House of the Dead
Hoyle Casino
Hydro Thunder
Industrial Spy - Operation Espionage
Iron Aces
Jeremy McGrath Supercross 2000
Jet Grind Radio
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure
KAO the Kangaroo
King of Fighters '99 - Evolution
King of Fighters - Dream Match 1999
KISS - Psycho Circus - The Nightmare Child
Last Blade 2
Legacy of Kain - Soul Reaver
Looney Tunes Space Race
Mag Force Racing
Maken X
Mars Matrix
Marvel vs. Capcom
Marvel vs. Capcom 2
Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX
Max Steel
Maximum Pool
Metropolis Street Racer
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 1
Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume 2
Monaco Grand Prix
Mortal Kombat Gold
MTV Sports - Skateboarding
Namco Museum
NBA Hoopz
NBA Showtime
NCAA College Football 2K2
Next Tetris - Online Edition
NFL Blitz 2000
NFL Blitz 2001
NFL Quarterback Club 2000
NFL Quarterback Club 2001
Nightmare Creatures II
Omikron - The Nomad Soul
Ooga Booga
Pen Pen TriIcelon
Phantasy Star Online v1
Phantasy Star Online v2
Plasma Sword
POD Speedzone
Power Stone
Power Stone 2
Prince of Persia - Arabian Nights
Project Justice
Psychic Force 2012
Quake III Arena
Railroad Tycoon II
Rayman 2 - The Great Escape
Razor Freestyle Scooter
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - Round 2
Record of Lodoss War
Red Dog - Superior Firepower
Reel Fishing - Wild
Resident Evil 2 Disc 1
Resident Evil 2 Disc 2
Resident Evil 3 - Nemesis
Resident Evil Code - Veronica Disc 1
Resident Evil Code - Veronica Disc 2
Rippin' Riders
Samba de Amigo
San Francisco Rush 2049
Sega Bass Fishing
Sega Bass Fishing 2
Sega GT
Sega Marine Fishing
Sega Rally 2
Sega Smash Pack Volume 1
Sega Swirl
Seventh Cross Evolution
Shadow Man
Shenmue Disc 1
Shenmue Disc 2
Shenmue Disc 3
Silent Scope
Skies of Arcadia Disc 1
Skies of Arcadia Disc 2
Slave Zero
Sno-Cross Championship Racing
Soldier of Fortune Disc 1
Sonic Adventure
Sonic Adventure 2
Sonic Shuffle
Soul Calibur
Soul Fighter
South Park - Chef's Luv Shack
South Park Rally
Space Channel 5
Spec Ops II - Omega Squad
Speed Devils
Speed Devils Online Racing
Spirit of Speed 1937
Sports Jam
Star Wars - Demolition
Star Wars Episode I - Jedi Power Battles
Star Wars Episode I - Racer
Street Fighter Alpha 3
Street Fighter III - Double Impact
Street Fighter III - Third Strike
Striker Pro 2000
Stupid Invaders Disc 1
Stupid Invaders Disc 2
Super Magnetic Neo
Super Runabout - San Francisco Edition
Surf Rocket Racers
Suzuki Alstare Extreme Racing
Sword of the Berserk - Guts' Rage
Sydney 2000
Tech Romancer
Tee Off Golf
Tennis 2K2
Test Drive 6
Test Drive Le Mans
Test Drive V-Rally
The Grinch
The Ring - Terror's Realm
The Typing of the Dead
Time Stalkers
TNN Motorsports HardCore Heat
Tokyo Xtreme Racer
Tokyo Xtreme Racer 2
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six
Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six - Rogue Spear
Tomb Raider - Chronicles
Tomb Raider - The Last Revelation
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Toy Commander
Toy Story 2 - Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue!
Ultimate Fighting Championship
Unreal Tournament
Urban Chaos
Vanishing Point
Vigilante 8 - 2nd Offense
Virtua Athlete 2000
Virtua Fighter 3TB
Virtua Striker 2
Virtua Tennis
Virtual On - Oratorio Tangram
Wacky Races
Walt Disney World Quest - Magical Racing Tour
Who Wants to Beat Up a Millionaire
Wild Metal
World Series Baseball 2K1
World Series Baseball 2K2
Worms Armageddon
Worms World Party
WWF Attitude
WWF Royal Rumble
Xtreme Sports
Zombie Revenge

Sega Dreamcast